Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bitter guard curry


1) Bitter guard - 2nos.

2) Onion - 1no.

3) Green chillies - 2nos.

4) Red chilly powder - 1/2 spoon

5) Tamarind - Lemon Size

6) Coconut milk or grated coconut

7) Salt and Curry leaves


1) Heat oil in a pan,splitter mustard and then add onion, 2 green chillies and bitter guard.

2) Fry it till the bitter guard, green chillies and onion becomes light brown.

3) Then add tamarind water and salt. Allow them to boil...till tamarind loses its raw smell.

4) Finally add 1/2 a spoon of red chilly powder, tumeric powder, coconut milk or grated coconut paste and boil it for 3 to 4 minutes.

5)  Garnish with curry leaves.

Geos well with: Rice

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